Teaching Concept: Narrative Text

By Amik Amri Rahmadhi, M.Pd
Grade     : Senior High School (MA/ SMA)
Class      : X, XI, and XII Science, Social and Language Class
Semester : Odd and Even semester
Skill        : Speaking, Reading and Writing
Stage       : BKOF (Building Knowledge of The Text), Oral/ Written Cycle

Here, I am going to teach the concept of a text namely narrative text. In this case, I try to make my students understand easily the concept of narrative text. So, I ask all my students to memorize its concept through as song “Lir Ilir” which is sung by Kyai Kanjeng group. This song is a traditional and national song from Central Java, Indonesia.

Look the following lyrics!

Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wong sumilir
Tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar (2x)

Cah angon cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna
kanggo mbasuh dodotira (2x)

Dodotira dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir
Dondomana jrumatana
kanggo seba mengko sore (2x)

Mumpung padang rembulane
Mumpung jembar kalangane
Sun suraka surak hiyo


Then, I change those above lyrics into my own lyrics. Look at this!

All my friends, all my friends let’s study about narrative,
Folktales, legend, myth, romance
Fables, fiction and non fiction (2x)

Its purpose, its function, to entertain and amuse
Listeners and readers
about story of narrative (2x)

Its structure, its structure, consists of four components
Orientation and complication,
resolution and reorientation (2x)

We should write it with simple past tense
We should write it with simple past tense
And now you know about narrative


As teacher, we must prepare the material that will be given to our students. In this case, a concept of narrative text is written into lyrics of a chosen song. Look the example above and other version as I state in the end of this paper.

 Ask the students to discuss about the concept of NarrativeText.
 Explain it clearly to students
 Write down that concept on white board or black board.
 Let’s sing it together
 Ask student to memorize it.
 Ask student to present it individually, in front of the class or teacher.

To know our students whether they understand or not about the concept of Narrative text, they are asked to memorize it then present it individually.

If they have done it, note his/ her name by giving the word or a sign that he or she “UNDERSTAND” or “NOT UNDERSTAND” the concept of Narrative text.

Another Version:

Besides, LIR ILIR song, I also ask all my students to memorize its concept through as song BALONKU ADA LIMA, which is sung our children when they study at elementary school.

Look the following lyrics!

Balonku ada lima
Rupa-rupa warnanya
Hijau, kuning, kelabu
Merah muda dan biru
Meletus balon hijau DOR!
Hatiku sangat kacau
Balonku tinggal empat
Kupegang erat-erat

Then, I change above lyrics into my own. Look at this!
Narrative text is a story
The purpose is to entertain
It consists of four components
Orientation and complication
Resolution and re-o ( duoooor)
We should write it in past tense
It can be a non fiction,
It is also a fiction


Words For Teachers

The Mediocre Teacher TELLS. -00- The Good Teacher EXPLAINS. -00- The Superior Teacher DEMONSTRATES.-00- The Great Teacher INSPIRES. -00- (William Arthur Ward)

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