
Dear readers,

First of all, the owner of this blog says thank you very much to Allah because of His help he can create this blog. The purpose of this made blog is to help readers all around the world especially Indonesian English teachers who live in Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia.

He names it as “Teaching English Method” because the content of this blog is about the discussion about teaching English as second Language in Indonesia. Here will be discussed about the concept, method, the way how or everything related to teaching English to teach English well and professionally. It can be said that the owner of this blog tries to share his experience in teaching English or giving useful information about teaching English as second language in Indonesia.

Finally, he hopes that it can be useful for them and they can develop Indonesian education especially about English. He also asks for critical if there are any mistakes. Thank you very much

Warm regards,

mike Goner

Words For Teachers

The Mediocre Teacher TELLS. -00- The Good Teacher EXPLAINS. -00- The Superior Teacher DEMONSTRATES.-00- The Great Teacher INSPIRES. -00- (William Arthur Ward)

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