Level : All levels/ grades (especially for Islamic schools)
Duration : 5 to 7 minutes
As we all know, as teacher, we should be able to control our classroom. We know that our students are uncontrolled sometimes. They feel free to talk everything with his/her friends, play game through his/ her mobile phone or notebook, or just badinage so they laugh together in the classroom. It may happen before the class lesson begun or in a transition time between one lesson to the next lesson, or one subject to the next subject, one teacher to the next teacher, or the first time to the second. We feel annoyed and not comfort if we know that the condition of our classroom is like this. So, we are all under obligation to solve this problem. One way that the writer suggests is praying together before we teach English.
Praying together is a common activity in Indonesia since its citizens keep east culture. In academic ways, from the low level to the highest level, praying together before lesson started becomes a habit, a good habit. Based on this fact, he gets a brilliant idea that he tries to develop this good habit to be implemented in his English class. The writer thinks that while praying, students will practice their English. In short, the writer controls the class by praying together before the lesson begun in order that students are ready for English lesson.
The purpose of this short article is that the writer wants to share with others especially non native English teachers who teach both in Islamic schools or non Islamic schools. Controlling class situation is important. Here, one of example of classroom management is explained. By praying together before English lesson started, it hopes that the English lesson goes well.
The following is the praying materials needed. It is familiar with us especially for Moslem because we may know it when a speaker wants to deliver his/ her speech. It is an opening of Islamic speech. Here is the detail:
“In the name of Allah, the most beneficent the most merciful.
Praise be to Allah the lord of the worlds.
And the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto Him.
Further, there will be no hostility except against wrongdoers”
Blessing and salutation be upon the most honorable prophet and messenger
Our master Muhammad S.A.W, his family and all his disciples
And those who follow them in goodness until His the day of judgment.
In the end of this opening, the writer adds his own idea of praying as in the following.
“May Allah give us worthwhile knowledge!
May Allah forgive our parents, family, friends, and all teachers!
And May Allah bless and save us forever!"
Procedure/ Activity:
After entering the class, teacher asks student to stand up, “Stand up!”. After that the teacher says, “Before we start our lesson today, please repeat after me, OK!. Students answer, “YES SIR/MOM”. Then teacher says it and then students follow immediately. Look the following transcript!
Teacher says, “In the name of Allah”
Students repeat, “In the name of Allah”
Teacher says, “the most beneficent”
Students repeat, “the most beneficent
Teacher says, “the most merciful”.
Students repeat, “the most merciful”.
Teacher says, “Praise be to Allah”
Students repeat, “Praise be to Allah”
Teacher says, “the lord of the worlds.”
Students repeat, “the lord of the worlds.”
Teacher says, “And the sequel”
Students repeat, “And the sequel”
Teacher says, “is for those”
Students repeat, “is for those”
Teacher says, “who keep their duty”
Students repeat, “who keep their duty”
Teacher says, “unto Him”
Students repeat, “unto Him”
Teacher says, “Further,”
Students repeat, “Further,”
Teacher says, “there will be no hostility”
Students repeat, “there will be no hostility”
Teacher says, “except ”
Students repeat, “except ”
Teacher says, “against wrongdoers.”
Students repeat, “against wrongdoers.”
Teacher says, “Blessing ”
Students repeat, “Blessing ”
Teacher says, “and salutation”
Students repeat, “and salutation”
Teacher says, “be upon”
Students repeat, “be upon”
Teacher says, “the most”
Students repeat, “the most
Teacher says, “honorable prophet”
Students repeat, “honorable prophet”
Teacher says, “and messenger”
Students repeat, “and messenger
Teacher says, “Our master”
Students repeat, “Our master”
Teacher says, “Our master”
Students repeat, “Our master”
Teacher says, “Our master”
Students repeat, “Our master”
Teacher says, “Muhammad S.A.W,”
Students repeat, “Muhammad S.A.W,”
Teacher says, “his family”
Students repeat, “his family”
Teacher says, “and all his disciples”
Students repeat, “and all his disciples”
Teacher says, “And those”
Students repeat, “And those”
Teacher says, “who follow them”
Students repeat, “who follow them”
Teacher says, “in goodness”
Students repeat, “in goodness”
Teacher says, “until His the day of judgment”
Students repeat, “until His the day of judgment”
Teacher says, “May Allah”
Students repeat, “May Allah”
Teacher says, “give us”
Students repeat, “give us”
Teacher says, “Worthwhile knowledge!”
Students repeat, “Worthwhile knowledge!”
Teacher says, “May Allah”
Students repeat, “May Allah”
Teacher says, “forgive our parents,”
Students repeat, “forgive our parents,”
Teacher says, “family,”
Students repeat, “family,”
Teacher says, “friends”
Students repeat, “friends”
Teacher says, “and all teachers!”
Students repeat, “and all teachers!”
Teacher says, “And May Allah”
Students repeat, “And May Allah”
Teacher says, “bless and save us”
Students repeat, “bless and save us”
Teacher says, “forever.!”
Students repeat, “forever.!”
The benefits:
The benefits of this activity are first, as teacher we make our students be ready about what lesson they will get. If they are ready to study, they will get knowledge and comprehend the lesson discussed easily. Second, frankly saying, a good and comfort classroom makes our student enjoy the lesson. If our classroom situation is in under control, I pretty sure that they will follow the lesson well. Third, by doing this activity, we can say that our students practice to pronounce words by words in English. In short, it is good way how to make our students not feel shy or afraid anymore in speaking English. Finally, to tell the truth, by pronouncing English words, they actually pray to God. They ask for worthwhile knowledge, blessing, safeness, and forgiveness for themselves, their parents, families, friends,
Other version
In this case, the teacher is not always a leader so he/ she may ask one of his/her students to come forward to be a leader in praying together. It is better if all students are the leader. It means that all students have the same chance. For example, for the first meeting, who becomes a leader is a student whose number of presence list is number one. For the second meeting, the leader is number 2.