This song is not strange anymore for Indonesian since it is sung by a popular Indonesian comedian, actor, presenter, and singer, Sule. We hear this song everyday. Here, I try to apply this song in teaching English. So I have to change the lyric but not for the music. Here is part of its real lyric:
"Susis wo wo wo susis, (wouwouwo)
Suami sieun istri (wouwouwo)
Susis wo wo wo susis, (wouwouwo)
Suami takut istri
What am I going to do?
But I can’t do anything
What am I going to do?
But I can’t I can’t do anything"
The lyric above then I change into this lyric:
"English oh oh oh English,
We are ready for English
English oh oh oh English,
We are ready for English
What are we going to do?
All my friends, let’s speak English
What are we going to do?
All my friends, let’s write English
…..all my friends for best future"
This song I use to motivate my students. By singing this song together with all my students, they will never be afraid again to study English especially speaking. I hope the Indonesian English teachers follow my way. The following is further information how we apply it in our classroom.
Level: All grades (TK/RA – SD/ MI – SMP/ MTs – SMA/ MA – University/ College)
Activities/ Procedure:
Before the lesson is started, the teacher asks one of student to come forward to be the leader to sing together.
Then that boy/ girl say” Now, stand up please!. Before we start our lesson let’s sing together. One, two, three, four …."
here is the song"
"English oh oh oh English,
We are ready for English
English oh oh oh English,
We are ready for English
What are we going to do?
All my friends, let’s speak English
What are we going to do?
All my friends, let’s write English
…..all my friends for best future"
Then he/ she say. "Thank you very much and please, sit down on your seat!
In the first meeting of odd semester, the teacher should give this song to the students in order that they know and sing this song.
This song is repeated twice.
This activity can be done for the whole semester or if we know that our students look boring, unmotivated or tired, we can ask them to sing this song. That’s the simple way!